Dulcinea Peak Season and New Melon, Georgia Peach Council Promotes Sweet Georgia Peaches
Dulcinea is entering peak season on its domestic production in Yuma, and the San Joaquin Valley, as well as in Florida, Kentucky, and North Carolina. Peak typically starts the end of May and runs through mid September. General Manager, John McGuigan, tells AndNowUKnow, “We anticipate another active and productive year in the watermelon category with both minis and full size seedless. The cantaloupe category is still rebounding, but we see a consistently strong demand for our Tuscan cantaloupes.” The company is also trialing a new orange flesh honeydew called Orange Bliss. This is a small pre-commercial trial but Dulcinea is very excited about the flavor and taste profile of this melon.
Despite a temperamental Spring that delayed the Georgia peach harvest a few weeks this year, the group is gearing up to promote “Sweet Georgia Peaches.” The state, which represents about two million packages in the peach industry, has experienced cooler weather this season, which delayed the crop but may also make for a more flavorful and larger peach. The Flavor Rich variety is in high demand again this season and will be accompanied by at least 30 more varieties throughout the Summer. As the season progresses, retail produce departments will be hosting a “Georgia in July” theme as cling stone peaches transition to free stone varieties. Will McGehee, Marketing Director, tells AndNowUKnow, “With Summer on the brain, peaches get consumers excited and we are looking forward to a great year with tailored retail programs and a consistent flow of product.”
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